Isaiah 55:2
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)2 Why waste your money on something that is not real food?
Why should you work for something that does not really satisfy you?
Listen closely to me, and you will eat what is good.
You will enjoy the food that satisfies your soul.
Some things that are good (or at least benign) for some people, are bad (or at least not the best choice) for others.
- Alcohol in moderation is fine for most, but not to an alcoholic
- Food is moderation is fine for most, but not to an overeater
- Social media is fine for most, but not for me
Romans 7:13
New King James Version (NKJV)
About three months ago, I heard my pastor preach a message. To be honest, I don't even remember what it was about. What I do remember, however, was a small whisper. This whisper told me that Facebook was taking over my life. Not a day goes by that I do not check status updates, post pictures, read articles posted by others and post a few of my own.13 Has then what is good become death to me? Certainly not! But sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful.
As a whole, my Facebook experience isn't bad. I don't curse or start drama. I try to only post positive and uplifting things. I don't even get sucked into the political ramblings from my conservative and liberal friends!
However, when I think, "This is really awesome! I need to post this on Facebook!", something has to give.
The time for me, is now.
Romans 12:2
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)2 Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.
I am doing it for spiritual reasons - I feel I need to spend more time in the Word. I also feel that a lot of what I've taken in when I read Facebook posts has altered my perception of life. Facebook, Pinterest, and even Instagram only gives us snapshots of people's lives - usually the good. The highlight reels, if you will. And when comparing someone else's really good moments to your okay moments has you wondering about your okay moments, it's time to step away for a spell.
I wanted to update everyone on what I was doing. Not to brag, but to make everyone aware. Even The Man Beast joked when I told him what I was doing, "Make sure to tell everyone what you're doing so they don't think you're dead!"
The next 31 days will likely be a challenge for me. I'll be starting my low-carb way of eating on January 1st and Facebook was my primary means of keeping everyone updated on my progress. Everyone's support helped me keep going when it got hard and frustrating.
But this is another point to my quitting Facebook for a month - I've completely lost touch with real friends. It's easier to have a conversation via Facebook (or text) than actually pick up the phone and talk with someone or agree to meet up and have a real face-to-face conversation. I know everyone on Facebook and many friends I see at least on a weekly basis, but I know more about them thanks to their status updates than what they've actually told me in person.
This makes me incredibly sad. The art of true conversation has been lost.
I want to rekindle it.
So, there you have it - my reasons for quitting Facebook.
What will I do February 1st? I don't know yet. I'm going to enjoy this process and see where I am. I hope to learn a lot about myself during the next month as well as re-kindle real friendships that happen away from a computer screen. I also pray that God reveals a truth (or several) for me as I study the Word.
I'll see you in a month!
Until next time...

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