Thanksgiving is just two, short days away and it will just be the four of us this year. I'm slightly bummed that schedules aren't working out quite like planned, but I'm thankful none the less. I have a turkey defrosting in my refrigerator and the Man Beast and I have a menu planned out, which we will begin preparing for tomorrow.
Every year, I reflect on how thankful I actually am for what my family and I have. Everyone does it, but I come from a different place that helps me appreciate my blessings so much more.
Several years ago, I wrote a three part series chronicling a very dark period, early on in my marriage. You may read it in detail by clicking here, here, and here. Warning: It's raw, but every bit of it is true.), but I'll give you the highlights.
Until you don't have a place to call your own (even if it's a rental), you really don't know that feeling of not having any place to go. It's a horrible, lost feeling. And it is one that feels as raw today as I write about it as it did 14 years ago when I experienced it.
Every year, I reflect on how thankful I actually am for what my family and I have. Everyone does it, but I come from a different place that helps me appreciate my blessings so much more.
Several years ago, I wrote a three part series chronicling a very dark period, early on in my marriage. You may read it in detail by clicking here, here, and here. Warning: It's raw, but every bit of it is true.), but I'll give you the highlights.
The Man Beast, The Boy and I were homeless.
Until you don't have a place to call your own (even if it's a rental), you really don't know that feeling of not having any place to go. It's a horrible, lost feeling. And it is one that feels as raw today as I write about it as it did 14 years ago when I experienced it.
This year has had it's own set of challenges, but even with the uncertainty of everything that my family is enduring this year, I can be thankful for the following:
- A roof over my head
- A steady income
- Food in my refrigerator
These are things that everyone is thankful for, but I can be thankful for the simple fact that there was a time that I didn't have any of these things.
As we enter the holiday season and you pass a Red Bucket, please take a few seconds to place a donation in. I am living proof that the Salvation Army does help those in need. I challenge you to put a donation in the bucket every time you pass a bell ringer. If everyone did this, even small donations add up.

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