Milk Carton Numerology
In elementary school (South Cali girl here, if you'll recall), I remember all of my friends and I playing The Milk Carton Game. How it worked was this:
1. We'd all grab a carton of milk as we went through the lunch line. This was back in the day when there was only one option for milk (white) unless it was Wednesday, then it was chocolate (and boy was chocolate milk day a special day!)
2. When we would all get to our seats, we would immediately turn our milk cartons over to see who had the biggest number.
3. The Girl with the biggest number (because it was always a girl - we didn't hang out with boys), 'won'.
4. As a result, she got bragging rights the rest of the day.
Now, when I told MA this story, she looked at me like I had a third eye-ball. Please tell me that some of my bloggy friends played this stupid milk game. Please.
Aloe Hopscotch
In elementary school, we did our PE time out on the hot blacktop. I remember our PE teacher was a very old man who kicked our tails in jumping jacks. (Well, I assumed he was old in my 10 year old mind...he had gray hair). Four-count jumping jacks were the worst! (",, - ugh!)
Anyway, during PE, the blacktop might have been torture in the hot, California heat, but during recess - it was the hang out spot for us girls. (Remember, no boys allowed).
Along side the blacktop, by the fence, grew an aloe type plant. (It really wasn't aloe, but it's the closest thing I can compare it to). The leaves of the plant were squat and fat. When you broke them in half, 'juice' came out. It was this 'juice' that we used to make our hopscotch board. We also used the leaves as markers. They were flat, so they were the perfect tool.
The blacktop would stay just wet enough to play during recess. By the time it started drying up, we were getting ready to head inside.
Counting Swings
Now, I know that all of you have counted on the swings. I think this schoolhouse tradition spans the nation! (Okay, well, maybe not...)
During recess, the swings were the place to be (mostly girls, but the boys came over, too). To make it 'fair' (which it really wasn't), we had to take turns on the swing. To take turns, we stood in front of the swing we wanted and counted the number of swings the person took (back and forth). I believe we counted to 25 (or was it 50?) Anyway, it completely stunk because as soon as you got on the swing you counted on, the person you counted on could count back on you. (Got that?)
Isn't it amazing what the human mind remembers?
What are some fun/silly/pointless schoolyard games/traditions you used to play as a child?
Until next time...

I think the Milk Carton game sounds fun. Never heard of it, but still.
ReplyDeleteThe swings were definitely the place to be. We would swing and talk about our (imaginary) children. We didn't have husbands though, they were always killed as pizza delivery guys (I think that happened to someone around that time). But we would always have like 10 kids each and we'd talk about their names and ages.
I don't remember there being lines for the swings.
Isn't it amazing how different the different school yards were?