Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Year, New Beginnings

Yes, I realize that it's three weeks into the new year and I'm just getting around to a new year's post...if it makes my reader feel any better, I was *thinking* about a new year's post on the first.

Since I'm no longer homeschooling, I've dropped my homeschooling blog "Life According to Iva". It's still there, but it will not be updated. I also have stopped updating My Homeschool Place. Basically, it all comes down to this blog as well as my blog over on Spark People. I don't even keep my Live! Space updated (for MSN or Yahoo). It seems like I'm all over the net (kind of scary, actually), but I'm really only ever a few select places. The rest of 'my spaces' are just a ghost town.

So, subscribe to the RSS feed or add me to favorites.

I've been assured that I will have more readers, so I will attempt to keep this regularly updated. With me, it's the same old song and dance: I have to make better use of my time. (In reality, there are only so many hours in a day and I don't have enough time to do it technically, literally! the technology must go. At least in large doses.)

In a perfect world, I would have all of this figured out. But in the real world, it takes me awhile to juggle many things. I don't juggle well at all. I am very much a single track minded person. You should see me trying to do Saturday chores! It's nothing to see me get sidetracked. This is why I have started creating lists. Lists aren't there because I'm anal about things...lists keep my mind focused..

Where was I? See? Total tangent. Maybe it's because it's 10 o'clock at night and I'm fried? it is in a nutshell for those who don't know:

  1. The kids are back in school.
  2. I'm working part time as a sub in the school cafeterias (not their school)
  3. Danny is still working at his job. They are planning to branch out into advertising. Danny's very excited about the prospect and I'm excited because he's excited.
  4. The Nano Book got written. Now it needs to be edited. I need to set a deadline for myself, lest I never make it. My Official Deadline: MARCH 23, 2008 (my 11th anniversary -- hey 11! That's my favorite number!) Hold me to it ladies (and guys--do I have any guys reading my blog? I know my husband doesn't...does anyone else? Maybe my brother?).
  5. Speaking of my brother -- his wedding is in May. I have some more weight to lose. I did awesome in 07, losing a total of 30 lbs (made a huge difference in my blood pressure, too). But now, I want to lose another 20 by May and 30 for 08. Will I do? Feeling how I do now, no way, no how. But I have to get out of that mindset and just do it. I already did it once. I just have to do it again. Add it as another item to my to do list.
  6. I'm working on organization. My coolest short term 'thing' are two baskets I picked up from Big Lots. As I write this, they are by the TV in the den and they are filled with library books. Not one library book is out of place. I took this seemingly simple action after paying over $20 in library late fines.
  7. Every year, every day family needs work. So do marriages. Some days are easier than others. I try to count my blessings (and I have quite a few of them). Things are going well in the family and marriage department currently and for this I'm hugely thankful.
  8. VBS (Vacation Bible School) will be here before you know it and wouldn't you know it, I was contemplating becoming a VBS director at the church I attend. I decided not to because 1) it's a whole lot of work and 2) I wasn't sure if there was going to be some weird political thing because I'm not a member. The last thing I want to do is step on any toes. So, I signed up to be a helper instead. I told the pastor in charge that I'm available for anything from clean up, crafts, to teaching. Just keep me away from the music and I'm good to go. It should be an exciting year.
So, there it is -- what's happening in a nutshell. When I'm cognitive, I'll be sure to come back as things happen and expand on them (as I'm able). Until then, thanks for reading and come back and see me some time.


  1. Well, well, did do what you said you'd do;) Good girl! I've got you saved, I'll be back:)

  2. hiyas,

    I am here! I am reading. Its a new year for me too, definitely off to a new start after getting out of the hospital. Need to write some about that, lol.

    Take care and big hugs,


  3. That's a pretty good list you've got there Iva...get onto that book...I want to read it!!! Colleen and Randy are finally allowing me to read theirs.....

  4. Ginger

    I can't access your blog :(

    But I want all three of you ladies to hold me to my list. There's no reason why I can't do if I stay 'gazelle intense'.

  5. UMM..Turtle..I am breathlessly awaiting a new blog post. smiles


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