Whew! It has been a *long* time since I've pecked out a few words on the old blog. In fact, it's been a whole year (plus a few days).
I want to welcome those newcomers who have begun to follow me on Instagram. For those small readers who have been waiting to hear from me, welcome back!
Where have I been? Sadly, right here. Paralyzed by fear. Fear of what, you ask? Fear of you.
Yes, you. Why should I fear you? Well, the short answer is, I shouldn't. But the longer answer is I've been inside my head for quite some time and you've been there with me.
What if you don't like what I have to say?
What if you don't like me?
What if you think my ideas are stupid?
What if you don't agree with me?
After taking a long hiatus from the blog and delving into a Bible study (several, actually) that have caused me to pause and really think about the questions above, I've come to the following conclusions:
You probably won't like everything I have to say. I'm recommitting my purpose for this blog. If you look toward the top, you will see the following:
Several (several!) years ago, this verse came to my heart when I began thinking about writing a blog. (Back then, my blog went through several names: Woman Within. Horizontal Yo-Yo.) My mission for the blog never changed: I wanted to showcase Christ's strength through my weakness. This is where I came up with the name This Side of Perfect.
I recognize that we will never be perfect this side of heaven. But the good news is we don't have to be!
I once read a review about my blog from a reader who questioned the validity of my mission. Briefly paraphrased she said: why would I want to be reminded of my weakness? Why would I want to celebrate weakness?
Valid points. Why would you want to be reminded?
My blog is geared toward women who (I'm assuming) are trying to keep one million and one plates spinning and failing miserably. (Or maybe she's rocking it - but she's failing in other areas.)
The truth is, as women we can do it all; we just can't do it all at once. No matter what we're doing at any given point, we are not doing it in another. If we're giving it our all at work, we might not be giving it our all to our families. If we're giving it our all to our families, chances are good, we're not giving 110% at work. And at the very least, we aren't taking care of us; refilling our spiritual buckets.
Which leads me to my next point...
There's a good chance, you might not like me. Oh, I don't mean personally. But you might not like what I stand for. That previous section might have ruffled your feathers or bruised your toes a bit.
But that's okay. If I say something that offends you, I'm giving you something to think about. To analyze. And maybe you'll come to realize that what I say has a bit of truth to it.
Of course, if you decide to completely discount what I write, that's okay, too. Because I might not be writing this for you right now.
I might be writing this for you. Or you. Or you. Yes, you. I see you over there.
For the longest time, I was the woman trying to spin all the plates. Only I wasn't succeeding. I was failing miserably. And what's more, I felt bad that I was failing. And that feeling bad was making me feel less than.
Less than a woman. Less than a mom. Less than a friend. Less than a Child of God.
If this is you, I want to encourage you. You are doing awesome! I can almost guarantee that you are your worst critic. Your people - your circle - think you're pretty amazing.
So, at the end of the day after I've spent some time with The Father, I've come to realize that this isn't about me. It's about Him. And I hope that through my words, He speaks to those of you who need to hear His voice.
And for everybody else, I hope I can encourage you that you aren't alone in your struggles. You are amazing. There is only one you - celebrate that! No one can do what you do in the relationships you have. Nurture those. Give them your 110%.
Until next time,
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