This Friday, the Man Beast and I have a date. We are going to the Sweetheart Banquet at church. A delicious steak dinner is to be served, followed by the movie, Fireproof. I'm not a huge fan of steak, but considering the MB is coming to church (something he never does) and sitting through a Kirk Cameron movie (whom he doesn't really care for) speaks volumes about what my man is willing to do for me when he senses that something is important to me. (And let me say that this was a 'sense thing'. I did not tell him that this was something I really wanted to do. I just simply invited him because I would have liked to go. Later, I told him that if he would have said no, I would have grabbed a married Christian woman from work - or a single one - I wasn't picky!)
While the MB and I eat and watch a movie, Baby Gurl will be at the church chowing down on some chicken nuggets and french fries with the other children. The Boy will be serving. The proceeds for the banquet (as well as the youth serving) go towards the church summer camp trip that The Boy is going on. He's technically not youth - yet - but by serving, he'll learn that these trips are expensive and one must work hard to go on them. (The trip the Boy is taking in May with his gifted class is being paid 100% by Mom and Dad - no service needed.)
Has anyone watched the movie, Fireproof? I have a feeling I'm going to cry. I think I should bring tissues and skip the mascara.
What do y'all think?
Until next time...
OH!!! IF we lived closer, I would go with you and leave the hubbys at home, mine feels the same way..our pastor said it was an excellent movie!!!!!