Thursday, November 20, 2008

Traditions, Traditions Everywhere

And of course, because two of my bestest bloggy friends (Susan and Linda) are posting about traditions, I have to follow suit! (In my defense, Gator Linda actually did ask us to tell a few of our traditions. I just decided to blog about.)

The question is: do I blog about regular traditions or seasonal traditions?

When I think back in my childhood, I don't remember many traditions. But I do remember two bedtime rituals.

I remember that my mom would sing-song to me when she used to tuck my brother and I in bed:

I love you
You love me
A bushel and a peck
And a hug around the neck

And then she'd kiss me.

Another thing my mother taught me was my first bedtime prayer.

Now I lay me down to sleep
With four angels at my feet
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
God bless this bed I lay upon.

*sigh* Those are wonderful memories that I will always cherish and always hold on to.

Until next time...


  1. Aww..your gonna make me cry..Liam and I play a similiar game. (not really a game, mind you)


  2. Well Hello There My Friend! Just wanted you to know that I love your blog and I named you in my Top 10 List about Life on You can visit my list at

    I hope it brings a lot of traffic to your blog.

    Keep up the great writing about life and Congratulations!


  3. You are such a sweetie, Susan! Thank you! A chance at some new traffic. I don't have a lot...but I cherish each and every visit :)


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